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Star Union Dai-Ichi Investment Plans

9 reviews Rate This
Claim Settlement Ratio95.06%
Customer Care9:00 am to 7:00 pm
In-House Claim SettlementAvailable
PresenceAcross country
Special BenefitsAvailable

Star Union Dai-Ichi provides its policyholders with a variety of investment possibilities. As a result, you can compare various plans based on entry age, policy tenure, sum assured, premium, and other aspects to get the best one for you. Here is a list of some of the best investment plans offered by the company:

Investment plan

Entry age

Max. Maturity age

Policy tenure

Sum assured

Star Union Guaranteed Money Back Plan

13- 50 years

70 years

10- 20 years

Rs. 3 lakhs- Rs. 10 crore

Star Union Jeevan Ashray Plan

8- 50 years

70 years

15- 25 years

Rs. 2 lakhs- Rs. 50 lakhs

Star Union Life Jeevan Safar Plus

18- 55 years

70 years

13- 30 years

Rs. 3 lakh- Rs. 100 crore

Star Union Life Aayushmaan Plan

18- 50 years

70 years

15- 30 years

Rs.1.5 lakh- Rs. 100 crore

Star Union Life Elite Assure Plan

20- 50 years

71 years

15- 21 years

11 times the annual premium

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