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HDFC Life Investment Plans

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HDFC Investment Plans

In the year 2000, HDFC Life Insurance Company was established as a joint partnership between HDFC Limited and Standard Life Aberdeen PLC. HDFC Life provides a variety of pension, savings, investment, and health insurance options.

HDFC Investment Plans are designed to assist policyholders in developing savings habits and receiving good returns when they are needed. At the end of the policy term, they normally provide a fixed maturity benefit amount. Learn more about the various HDFC investment plans offered by HDFC Life by reading on.

Types Of HDFC Investment Plans

Customers of HDFC Life Insurance Company can choose from a variety of investment plans with a variety of benefits to help them save and grow their money. The following is a complete list of HDFC investment plans, along with their features and benefits.

  1. HDFC Life Sanchay Plus: HDFC Life Sanchay Plus is a non-linked, non-participating savings plan designed to secure you and your family financially. It helps you in reaching personal milestones that include extra costs and responsibilities.

Key Features:

  • The Guaranteed Maturity benefit ensures that you receive a lump sum payment when your plan expires.
  • Allows you to choose between a lump sum or a regular income.
  • The life-long Income option provides you with a guaranteed income until you reach the age of 99.
  • According to the Income Tax Act of 1961, you can get tax benefits on premiums paid.

Eligibility Criteria For HDFC Life Sanchay Plus



Guaranteed Income

Guaranteed Maturity

Life-Long Income

Long-Term Income

Minimum Entry Age

5 Years

5 Years

50 Years

5 Years

Maximum Entry Age

60 Years

60 Years

60 Years

60 Years

Maximum Maturity Age

73 Years

80 Years

73 Years

73 Years

Premium Payment Mode

Annual: Rs.30,000

Half yearly: Rs.15,000

Quarterly: Rs. 7,500

Monthly: Rs. 2,500

2. HDFC Life Sanchay Par Advantage: It is a participating life insurance plan that helps you realise your future goals by providing cover for a lifetime (up to 100 years of age) and producing a regular income.

Key Features:

  • Provides live cover insurance up to the age of 100 years.
  • Depending on your needs, you can choose between immediate and deferred income options.
  • From the first policy year until the death or end of the policy, the Immediate Income Option provides regular income in the form of cash bonuses, if declared. It also pays out a lump payment at the end of the term.
  • The Deferred Income Option provides guaranteed income for a set period of time, as well as regular income in the form of cash bonuses, if declared, during the duration of the policy. It also pays out a lump payment at the end of the term. If Guaranteed Income was not paid earlier, it will be included in the death payment, along with the rest.
  • Allows you to choose the date on which survival benefits are paid out.
  • According to the Income Tax Act of 1961, you can get tax benefits on premiums paid.

Eligibility Criteria For HDFC Life Sanchay Par Advantage



Minimum Entry Age

30 Days

Maximum Entry Age

Immediate Income : 65 Years

Deferred Income: 55 Years( For PPT 8 Years)

60 Years ( For PPT 10,12 Years)

Maximum Maturity Age

100 Years

Premium Payment Mode

Monthly, half-yearly, quarterly, and annually

3. HDFC Life Sanchay: It is a non-participating insurance plan that gives you complete control over whatever investment option is best for you. The plan also includes benefits that are guaranteed.

Key Features:

  • Provides a guaranteed return when the investment matures (provided all due premiums have been paid).
  • Benefits are guaranteed for the duration of the policy (140% to 460 % of the Sum Assured on maturity).
  • It gives you the option of paying your premiums in instalments (only applicable for HDFC credit cardholders).
  • Flexibility to choose policy terms:
  • 5 to 20 years for single pay
  • 10, 12, 15, and 40 years for Limited pay

Eligibility Criteria For HDFC Life Sanchay



Limited Pay

Single Pay

Minimum Entry Age

30 Days

5 Years

Maximum Entry Age

65 Years

50 Years

Maximum Maturity Age

85 Years

Premium Payment Mode

Annual, Half-yearly, Quarterly, Monthly

4. HDFC Life Sampoorna Samridhi Plus: It is a type of endowment plan that protects your loved ones.

Key Features:

  • It allows you to choose a policy term between 15 and 40 years.
  • Provides an additional benefit in the case of an accidental death.
  • For the first 5 years, it offers up to 5% annual sum assured on maturity worth of additions.
  • Sections 80(C) and 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act of 1961 provide tax benefits.

Eligibility Criteria For HDFC Life Sampoorna Samridhi Plus



Minimum Entry Age

30 Days

Maximum Entry Age

60 Years

Maximum Maturity Age

75 Years

Premium Payment Mode

Annual, Half-yearly, Quarterly, Monthly

5. HDFC Life ClassicAssure Plus: It is a participating insurance plan that offers premium payment terms that are flexible as well as a guaranteed reversionary bonus.

Key Features:

  • Premium payment terms of 7 or 10 years are limited.
  • It allows you to borrow money if you meet specific requirements.
  • Provides insurance coverage for the duration of the policy.
  • You can pay your premiums monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually.
  • You will receive a discount on your basic premium if your policy has a total assured of 10 lakhs or more.

Eligibility Criteria For HDFC Life ClassicAssure Plus


Policy Term (in years)




Minimum Entry Age

8 Years

3 Years

30 Days

Maximum Entry Age

55 Years

60 Years

55 Years

Maximum Maturity Age

65 Years

75 Years

75 Years

Premium Payment Mode

Yearly, Half-Yearly, Quarterly and Monthly

6. HDFC Life Super Income Plan: It is a participating plan that guarantees income for a period of 8 to 15 years. The plan is perfect for people who need a regular flow of revenue so they do not have to worry about unexpected expenses in the future.

Key Features:

  • Provides insurance coverage for the duration of the policy.
  • Increase your monthly income with terminal and reversionary bonuses when you reach maturity.
  • To match your savings and income goals, offers a variety of premium payment and policy term options.
  • Get survival benefits ranging from 3.84 % to 12.5%of the sum assured.
  • After the premium is paid, you will receive a regular income for the next 8 to 15 years.
  • Under limited pay choices, a guaranteed annual income for a period of 8, 10, 12, or 15 years is guaranteed.

Eligibility Criteria For HDFC Life Super Income Plan



Minimum Entry age

30 Days

Maximum Entry Age

59 Years

Maximum Maturity Age

75 Years

Premium Payment Mode

Monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annually

7. HDFC Life Uday: This plan is designed to protect your assets while also providing a lump sum payment to your loved ones in the case of your untimely death.Guaranteed Income starting in the second policy year and continuing till the end of the policy term (under single pay option).

Key Features:

  • Many term options available.
  • Benefits guaranteed at 3% each year for the first 5 years of the insurance.
  • If the policyholder dies in an accident, the insurer will pay out an accidental death benefit.
  • Issuance is simple and convenient.

Eligibility Criteria For HDFC Life Uday



Minimum Entry Age

18 Years

Maximum Entry Age

55 Years

Maximum Maturity Age

70 Years

Premium Payment Mode

Monthly, Every 3 months, every 6 months and yearly

Applying For A Traditional / Investment Plan From The Company:


The HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company has a number of unique plans that are only available online. The customer merely needs to go to the website of the company, select the required plan, coverage, and provide the necessary information. The premium will be calculated based on the information provided. After that, the customer must pay the premium via credit card, debit card, or net banking, and the policy will be issued.


Agents, brokers, banks, and other intermediaries can assist with the application process for plans which are not available online.

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  • What is the procedure for terminating HDFC Life investment plans?

    Policyholders must bring all applicable policy documentation, as well as a completed surrender form, to any of their city's branch locations. After deducting termination fees, stamp duty (if applicable), and medical tests, the refund will be deposited into your bank account within 72 hours.

  • What is the best way to pay the premium? What are the different payment options for buying HDFC Life Investment Plans?

    Any of the following methods can be used to pay your HDFC Life Insurance premium:

    • Cash\ Cheque payments
    • Drop box
    • NEFT
    • EBPP (Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment)
    • Axis\Yes Bank Debit Card

    For paying your premium online, visit e-portal by simply following the below mentioned steps:

    • Step 1: Enter the details of your policy such as policy number and date of birth of the policyholder.
    • Step 2: Pay your premium with credit\debit card or simply select your bank account to make your payment.
    • Step 3: Check the details which you entered and confirm your payment query and receive your online payment receipt.
  • How can I check the status of my HDFC Investment plan's policy?

    If you are a registered member, you can check the status of your insurance online. To check the status of your policy, simply connect onto the e-portal with your Client ID and password.

  • What is the procedure for renewing HDFC Life investment plans?

    Renew your policy through the internet. The steps are as follows:

    • Step 1: Go to the website and sign in with your customer ID and password.
    • Step 2: Find the policy that needs to be renewed and pay for it. Now is the time to pay for your premium renewal.
    • Step 3: Select a method of payment: credit/debit card or NEFT.
    • Step 4: Verify and confirm your payment information, then download your confirmation.
  • What are the factors that can impact an investment plan premium?

    A number of factors influence the premium, some of the factors are:

    • Age
    • Occupation
    • Riders
    • Smoking and drinking habits
    • Policy period
    • Sum assured
    • Medical history

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