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Bharti AXA Investment Plans

12 reviews Rate This
Claim Settlement Ratio99.09%
Customer Care24x7
In-House Claim SettlementAvailable
Policies Sold22 lac
Presence250+ offices
Special BenefitsAvailable

Bharti AXA Insurance Company offers a variety of investment plans for its customers. You can compare and buy the best plan as per your unique financial needs. The following are some of the best Bharti AXA investment plans:

Investment Plan

Max. Maturity Age

Entry Age

Bharti AXA Elite Advantage Plan

77 years

6- 65 years

Bharti AXA Life Ajeevan Sampati

100 years

91 days- 60 years

Bharti AXA Life Monthly Income Plan

80 years

0- 65 years

Bharti AXA Life Secure Income Plan

80 years

0- 65 years

Bharti AXA Life Flexi Save Plan

85 years

0- 65 years

Bharti AXA Life Invest Once Plan

65 years

8- 65 years

Bharti AXA Smart Invest Guaranteed Plan

70 years

8- 60 years

Bharti AXA Life Grow Wealth


13- 70 years

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