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How Can Health Insurance Help In Covering Pre And Post Natal Expenses?

Parenthood is one of the most adorable phases in a couple’s life  One thing that we began to plan before the arrival of the news is the budget. Many couples buy a maternity health insurance plan to provide the best medical care to the mother and the newborn baby. Do you want to know more? Read on to find out how health insurance is helpful in covering pre and post-natal expenses. 

How Can Health Insurance Help In Covering Pre And Post Natal Expenses?

What Is Maternity Health Insurance? 

Maternity health insurance is a policy that provides coverage for normal and caesarean deliveries up to the sum assured during the policy's tenure. Health insurance companies generally provide maternity health plans as a rider with a standard insurance policy. Therefore, you may have to pay an extra premium to get maternity coverage. Both the normal and cesarean delivery methods are covered under maternity insurance. Some of the expenses that are covered under this plan include pre and post-natal expenses, in-hospitalization expenses, newborn baby costs, delivery expenses, and much more. 

Moreover, you can check the details of maternity insurance with your employer if you are covered under a group health insurance policy. 

Benefits of Maternity Health Insurance Plans

Listed below are some of the benefits of a maternity health insurance plan. 

  1. During parenthood, maternity health coverage will provide you with peace of mind. In simple terms, if you have a health insurance plan, you can provide the best care to your spouse and the newborn baby without worrying about finances. 
  2. Health insurance companies start providing coverage from the birth of a newborn baby. Therefore, all the medical expenses such as vaccination, pre and post-natal care, and more will be covered by the insurance provider. 
  3. Maternity health insurance plans provide comprehensive protection for both the mother and the child. Starting from pre and post-maternity care to providing vaccination coverage for your newborn baby, everything is covered under the health plan. 

Health Insurance Coverage For Pre And Post Natal Expenses 

Maternity health insurance provides coverage for prenatal and postnatal expenses. Prenatal means “before birth,” and postnatal means “after birth.” Therefore, expenses incurred before delivery, such as ultrasounds, medications, diagnosis, and others, will be covered by an insurance company. Most companies provide coverage for pre-hospitalization expenses that arise prior to 30 days of hospitalization. 

In addition, post-natal expenses such as regular check-ups, medications, child immunization, and more will be covered by an insurance company. The post-hospitalization benefits can be availed for up to 60 days after the birth. In order to avail yourself of prenatal and postnatal care, you may have to purchase a comprehensive health insurance policy. It is a type of health insurance plan that provides wide protection to the policyholders. 

Inclusions And Exclusions of Maternity Health Insurance 

Here are some of the inclusions and exclusions of maternity health insurance. 


  1. Labour expenses: Maternity insurance covers the expenses associated with labour and childbirth, including charges for medical professionals, hospital facilities, and medical procedures during delivery.
  2. Delivery costs (Both normal and cesarean): Whether the delivery is normal or cesarean, the insurance plan caters to the costs of the delivery process, ensuring that mothers receive proper care during childbirth.
  3. Pre and post-natal expenses: Maternity coverage extends to cover pre and post-natal consultations, tests, and treatments. Regular check-ups before delivery and follow-up care after childbirth are part of the coverage.
  4. Vaccination coverage: The insurance plan often includes coverage for essential vaccinations for the newborn, ensuring protection against common diseases and promoting their health in the early stages of life.
  5. In-patient hospitalisation: In case of any complications during childbirth or related medical conditions, the insurance plan provides coverage for in-patient hospitalisation expenses, including room charges, medical procedures, and medications.


  1. The pre-existing disease that may impact your pregnancy: Maternity insurance typically excludes coverage for pre-existing conditions that could influence pregnancy. Medical conditions existing prior to the policy's commencement are not covered.
  2. Infertility treatment expenses: Expenses related to infertility treatments, such as assisted reproductive techniques, fertility medications, and procedures like in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), fall outside the scope of maternity insurance coverage.
  3. Congenital diseases: Maternity insurance plans do not extend to cover congenital diseases or medical conditions present in the newborn at birth, as these conditions are not a direct result of the childbirth process.
  4. Doctor's consultation fee and check-ups: While prenatal and post-natal care is often covered, routine doctor's consultation fees and regular check-ups may not be included in the insurance coverage.Medication expenses that are not prescribed by the doctor: Medication expenses that are not prescribed by a medical professional are not covered by maternity insurance, emphasising the importance of adhering to prescribed treatment plans.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, considering the inflation in the healthcare sector, it is crucial to buy maternity health insurance. With an insurance plan, you won’t have to worry about prenatal and postnatal medical expenses. All you need to do is submit the required documents and claim your health insurance policy. Moreover, you can visit InsuranceDekho if you are looking to buy maternity coverage. Here, you can compare different plans provided by the best health insurance companies in India and select the one that best suits your needs.


Q. What is maternity health insurance, and how does it work? 
A. Maternity health insurance provides coverage for pregnancy and childbirth-related medical expenses. It operates as an additional component to a regular health insurance plan, requiring an extra premium. The coverage extends to both normal and cesarean deliveries, encompassing costs such as pre and post-natal care, in-hospitalisation expenses, newborn care, and more.

Q. What benefits does maternity health insurance offer? 
A. Maternity health insurance ensures peace of mind for expectant parents by alleviating financial worries. It initiates coverage from the newborn's birth, including expenses like vaccinations, prenatal and post-natal care, and beyond. 

Q. Does maternity health insurance cater to both prenatal and post-natal expenses? 
A. Yes, maternity health insurance covers both prenatal (before birth) and post-natal (after birth) expenses. It includes costs for prenatal diagnostic tests, ultrasounds, medications, post-natal care, check-ups, and newborn immunisations.

Q. What's the duration of post-natal coverage in maternity health insurance? 
A. Typically, maternity health insurance offers post-natal coverage for up to 60 days after childbirth. This period accounts for crucial medical attention during the initial stages of motherhood and infant care.

Q. Are routine doctor's consultation fees part of maternity health insurance coverage? 
A. Maternity health insurance generally covers prenatal and post-natal care, but routine doctor's consultation fees might not be included. It's advisable to review the policy terms to understand the extent of consultation coverage.

Q. Does maternity health insurance cover congenital diseases? 
A. No, maternity health insurance typically excludes coverage for congenital diseases or conditions present in newborns at birth. Such conditions aren't directly tied to the childbirth process and fall beyond the policy's scope.

Also Read: Best Maternity Health Insurance Plans To Buy In 2021

Maternity Health Benefit Plans

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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