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Google’s New Feature to Help With COVID Vaccine Information

Google has played an incomparable role in providing Covid-19 information from all across the globe. For the past few months, Google has been offering multiple features on its different platforms to provide significant coronavirus information. 

With many countries entering into the phase of vaccine authorization, Google is planning to begin providing information related to vaccines once they are authorized. The vaccination of communities is likely to be done at an unexampled pace and scale. Information based on vaccine misperceptions & hesitancy, when, where and how to get vaccinated and more is important to reach the public so that they are educated in the right manner. 

Recently Google shared that the team is working on different types of products and partnering with health authorities to meet the information based needs, while keeping harmful misinformation off their platforms at the same time. 

Google’s new features are being rolled out in the United Kingdom. A new feature on Search has been launched by Google. This new feature will help people when they look for Covid-19 vaccines. Google will provide a list of authorized vaccines location and information panels on every single vaccine. According to Google’s claims, once other health authorities start authorizing vaccines, the team will bring about this new feature in other countries as well. 

Google’s Covid-19 information panels on YouTube were launched in March. Since then, they have garnered 400 billion views. These panels can be found on the homepage of YouTube as well as on videos & search results related to the pandemic. Google believed that panel updates will help people in directly connecting to vaccine information from global as well as local health authorities. 

The team at Google also plans to connect YouTube creators with leading health experts. The purpose behind this move is to make helpful and engaging Covid-19 and vaccines content for the audiences. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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