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National Health Insurance for Kids

Children are often more vulnerable to health risks than adults. That’s why National Insurance offers National Parivar Mediclaim Policy which provides coverage for children between 3 months and 18 years. A family floater in nature, the policy protects children in the event of hospitalisation due to illness, injuries and ailments. Along with children, the policy also covers proposer, spouse and parents.

Key Features
  • Sum insured starts from Rs. 1 Lakh goes up to Rs. 10 Lakh
  • Policy duration: a minimum of 1 year and a maximum of 3 years
  • Lifelong renewability of the policy
  • No Claim Discount of 5% for every claim-free year
  • 5% discounts on buying new policies and 2.5% discounts at the time of renewal
  • Provision for medical second opinions for major illnesses
  • Optional benefits of pre-existing diabetes, hypertension, critical illness and outpatient treatment

Scope of Coverage

  • Cover for proposer, spouse, dependent children and parents
  • Expenses incurred on a newborn baby up to 10% of SI
  • AYUSH treatment up to the full sum insured
  • 30 days pre and 60 days post-hospitalisation
  • 140+ daycare procedures coverage
  • Cover for domiciliary treatment up to 20% of SI
  • Emergency ambulance expenses to transport the patient


Kids between 3 months and 18 years can be covered with their one or both parents under the policy. Any adult aged between 18 years and 65 years can buy the policy.


  • STD, AIDS, HIV or related diseases or illnesses
  • Domiciliary treatment if it is less than three days
  • Any injury occurred within 30 days of the policy
  • Assisted conception, sterility, infertility
  • More than one delivery or termination in a policy year

For in-depth information about the inclusions, benefits and exclusions of the National Parivar Mediclaim Policy for kids, initiate contact with our experts at our toll-free number 1800-120-5698.

Health Insurance Calculator

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Disclaimer: Actual Premium might vary basis your location, age and number of members

Health Insurance Coverage Calculator

Who do you want to insured ?

  • Individual
  • Couple
  • Family
  • Parents

Age of eldest insured member ?

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Disclaimer : Actual Coverage might vary basis your location, age and number of members

Health Insurance News


  • How many children can be added under health insurance policies offered by National Insurance for kids?

    Up to 2 dependent children can be added under health insurance policies offered by National Insurance for kids. 

  • Can independent children be added under the same policy in which their parents are covered?

    No. Only up to 2 dependent children can be added under the same policy with their parents if either of the parents is covered under the policy. 

  • Does any health insurance plan available with National Insurance provides cover for kids?

    Yes. National Insurance offers coverage for kids under its various floater health insurance policies. 

  • Who should buy National Insurance kids health insurance plan?

    Health insurance policy buyers willing to insure their children along with them in a reliable health insurance policy should choose kids health insurance by National Insurance. If you have children between the age group 3 months to 18 years, National Insurance kids health insurance, National Parivar Mediclaim policy is the best for you.

  • Can I change the sum assured during National Insurance kids health insurance tenure?

    If planning to change your sum insured amount for National Insurance kids health insurance policy, make sure you do so at the time of policy renewal as health insurance companies do not allow any changes during the policy tenure.