What is Engine Knocking? How To Prevent It?
Causes, Effects & Solutions for a Smoother Engine Performance
A car’s engine is like the brain. It cannot function without a well-oiled engine. So when you hear a pinging sound while taking your car out, know that everything is not well with your car’s engine and get it checked as early as possible. Engine knocking or pinging is a knocking sound that happens due to premature ignition of the engine cylinders. So what causes it? This article will explore some of the common reasons why engine knocking occurs, what symptoms one should look for and how one can prevent it from happening.
What Is Engine Knocking?
Engine knocking is an after-effect of improper combustion of the air-fuel mixture in the engine’s combustion chamber. When the air-fuel mixture combusts prematurely, the resultant reaction produces a knocking or pinging sound. This phenomenon is called engine knocking. It can occur due to engine misfiring or due to one of the car engine’s parts malfunctioning. Engine knocking is often confused with engine preignition. Engine pre-ignition occurs when the air-fuel mixture ignites before the spark plug fires, leading to the knocking sound. If left unattended, this can cause serious problems in the engine’s functioning, affecting the mobility of the car. To be able to address this problem, one must understand what causes it.
Causes of Engine Knocking
Engine knocking happens due to various reasons, some of which are listed below.
Incorrect Fuel Octane Rating
Fuel octane rating is a measure of how resistant the fuel is to immediate combustion, indicating its stability and performance capabilities. The higher the rating, the better is the fuel combustion capability and performance. Every vehicle has a prescribed fuel octane rating. In India, the maximum fuel octane rating is 91. When you use fuel that does not meet this specification, it causes improper firing, resulting in a knocking or pinging sound and hampering vehicle performance.
Carbon Deposits
With frequent use, over time, carbon deposits sit in the combustion chamber, leading to delayed ignition and uncontrolled combustion.
Lean Air-Fuel Mixture
An imbalance in the air-fuel mixture can lead to improper firing, leading to uneven fuel combustion in the car’s engine.
Bad Spark Timing
Faulty spark plugs can result in bad spark timing, thus causing fuel to combust irregularly. This results in improper combustion leading to engine knocking sound.
High Engine Temperatures
Excessive heat can cause harm to machines. The same appies to a car’s engine, specifically the combustion chamber where all the action happens. Excessive heat causes an increase in the pressure in cylinders, leading to detonation.
Worn Bearings or Components
Worn-out engine spear parts like bearings or gaskets can also cause engine knocking, hampering it’s overall performance.
Repairing engine knocking issue in cars requires owners to recognise it’s symptoms at the beginning. Some of the symptoms of engine knocking are discussed below.
Symptoms of Engine Knocking
Recognizing engine knocking early is crucial for preventing costly repairs. Common symptoms include:
- A metallic "pinging" or "knocking" sound from the engine, especially during acceleration.
- Reduced engine performance or power.
- Poor fuel efficiency.
- Vibrations from the engine.
- Persistent warning lights on the dashboard indicating engine issues.
Effects of Prolonged Engine Knocking
An engine is the heart of a car. A car is not a car without it. Its performance is greatly dependent on the health of the engine. So when you hear that pinging sound, do not take it lightly. Here is what happens if you do.
Ignoring engine knocking can lead to severe consequences:
Engine Damage: Prolonged knocking can damage pistons, cylinder walls, and even the crankshaft.
Overheating: Knocking increases internal temperatures, which may cause overheating.
Reduced Lifespan: Constant premature ignition can put undue stress on an engine and cause it to burn out earlier than it’s recommended life time.
Preventive Measures for Engine Knocking
Prevention is better than cure. This saying stays true in case of engine knocking which can prove to be fatal to your vehicle’s health if left unattended. The following steps can help avoid engine knocking due to premature ignition.
Use fuel with a high octane rating or if your vehicle manufacturer has a recommended rating, stick to that.
Maintain your car regularly. Check for faulty spark plugs or carbon deposits in the car engine’s combustion chamber and get it repaired at the earliest opportunity.
During the regular maintenance sessions, check the engine oil levels to ensure proper lubrication and avoid the spare parts from getting worn out due to regular use.
While conducting the engine check, ask your mechanic to look for serious flaws in the fuel injectors and sensors.
Engine knocking, if left unchecked and unattended, can cause serious damage and affect your car’s mobility. Any of the underlying causes for engine knocking listed above can be fatal to the car’s performance. Take the time to learn about why it happens, as getting to the root cause of the problem can help not only in resolving the problem but also in ensuring that your car performs flawlessly.