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How to Purchase a Money Back Policy?

An insurance policy usually pays out the guaranteed money if the policyholder dies during the policy period. The insurance company must pay maturity benefits in money-back insurance plans as survival benefits over the policy at regular intervals. Moreover, the beneficiary will get the guaranteed amount in the event of the policyholder's death during the policy period. Thus, it can be rightly asserted that a money-back policy is almost the same as an endowment plan, however, with the additional advantage of continuing liquidity. It can be considered to be a hybrid strategy consisting of investment as well as insurance elements.

How to Purchase a Money Back Policy?

How to Purchase a Money Back Policy?

The following are some tips which you can make use of while purchasing a money back policy - 

  1. It Will Be Imperative To Consider Alternatives

Several insurance companies will provide money-back plans; nevertheless, comparing the different available money-back plans will be imperative before choosing one. This way, you will be capable of making a sensible decision since you can select a method satisfying your insurance requirements and budget.

  1. Check the Claim Settlement Ratio

It will be a sensible idea to assess the claim settlement ratio of an insurance provider before getting hold of a money-back policy. Moreover, you should select from having a high percentage of claim settlement. It will be possible to get a claim settlement ratio by dividing the number of claims by the submitted number. An insurance company with a high percentage of claim settlement will depend on its consumers.

  1. Check the Availability Of The Riders

Make it a point to go for a money-back policy with several life insurance riders to supplement your best policy coverage. The coverage of a life insurance plan is supplemented by the riders, which will help you to get financial assistance whenever required.

  1. Look at the Bonus Component of the Plan

It is a fact that most money back policies are taking part in life insurance plans implying yearly incentives are provided by the insurance company on the life insurance policy apart from the maturity benefit or death benefit. Make sure that the money-back policy incorporates a substantial percentage of bonus on the insurance before getting the plan. It might help you to get the money to satisfy your requirements in the future when you need it the most.

  1. Go Through General Terms And Conditions

It is important to go through the terms and conditions of a life insurance plan to comprehend what will recover and what is not. Make it a point to read the terms and conditions of the life insurance policy before getting hold of a money-back policy to ensure that you have a comprehensive idea of how the plan will benefit you in the long run.


It will be possible for a money back policy to help you and your near and dear ones have a secure financial future. One can use this sort of periodic plan payment as an income source to satisfy his financial specifications for the future. His near and your ones will be able to get an assured payment in case of any unexpected event, irrespective of any type of previous monthly distribution. This way, your near and dear ones will be able to maintain their schedule while satisfying their financial requirements. It will be feasible for you to make a sensible decision if you bear in mind the aspects mentioned above before buying a money back policy.

Also Read: 

Know Everything About The Best Money Back Plans In India

Are There Additional Benefits In Buying Money Back Plans?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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