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How Does Max Life ULIP Calculator Work?

A Unit-Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) is the perfect way to ensure your financial stability and security for the future. Besides the various features of insurance, you are also treated to opportunities to invest in market-linked investment funds. This helps your wealth corpus grow. 

The Max Life ULIP Calculator is useful in getting an idea about how much you should put down in savings and investment. Although they sound interchangeable, these functions have a difference. While savings indicate only keeping your wealth aside, investing lets your funds grow through appropriate savings instruments. 

What is a ULIP Calculator?

There are many ULIPs available and as such, it might be difficult to make the right choice. A ULIP calculator helps investors calculate the potential returns and the amount of premium they will have to pay based on an assumed rate of returns and the policy term. This is very useful in gauging if the ULIP is the one from you before you go on to purchase it.

The Max Life ULIP calculator helps with such a task. It also helps you gain more insight into the Max Life ULIPs. You can efficiently judge which plan is the best for your financial requirements.

Steps to Access the Max Life ULIP Calculator

The Max Life ULIP Calculator is only a few simple steps away. To start on your journey of having beneficial savings and effective investments, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Max Life ULIP Calculator on the appropriate website.
  2. Enter your first name, date of birth, mobile number, gender and select the range of annual income from the options given.
  3. Select from the following three options: guaranteed savings guaranteed income and market-linked child plan.
  4. Enter the amount of premium that you will be able to pay.
  5. Select the frequency of payment from Monthly and Annually options.
  6. After you enter all the relevant details, you will be shown the amount of Assured Returns and Life Insurance Cover that is valid for your financial capabilities. 

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Insights On ULIPs VS Traditional Life Insurance Plans

Reasons Why ULIPs Can Help You Save For The Long Term

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.               

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