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Sevana Pension: Eligibility & Features

Local authorities, such as Gram Panchayats, Municipalities, and Corporations, are the responsible authorities in charge who disbursing social security pensions through the Sevana pension application. India is one of the world's fastest-growing countries, although poverty remains a significant issue in rural India. The Kerala government has taken many initiatives to achieve this goal, including the Sevana pension scheme being one of them. To find out more about the Sevana pension scheme, read on.

What is Sevana's Pension?

The Sevana Pension Plan is a social welfare pension scheme that focuses on distributing payments to the lowest of the poor. The ultimate goal of establishing this programme was to ensure that the local government's social security services were delivered successfully. This programme has 7 schemes, each of which distributes 6 different forms of pensions to nearly 16 lakh people from the state's poorest neighbourhoods.

Sevana Pension Scheme Eligibility Criteria

Sevana Pension Scheme has several categories, and the eligibility requirements of Sevana Pension vary accordingly:

Indira Gandhi National Old-Age Pension Scheme

  1. The respective individual must be above the age of 60 years.
  2. The annual income of the family of the respective individual should be less than 1 lakh.
  3. The respective individual must have lived in Kerala for a minimum of 10 years.
  4. The respective individual cannot be committed to any other government aid programmes.

Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme

  1. The respective individual must be above the age of 60 years. And they should be a widow or divorcee.
  2. The annual income of the family of the respective individual should be less than 1 lakh.
  3. The respective individuals have lived in Kerala for at least 10 years and must not have benefitted from any of the state's other programmes.

Pension To Unmarried Woman

  1. The respective individual must be above the age of 50 years. And they should be unmarried.
  2. The annual income of the family of the respective individual should be less than 1 lakh. They must have lived in Kerala for a minimum of 10 years.
  3. The respective individual cannot be committed to any other government aid programmes.

Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme

  1. The respective individual is required to submit a certificate of disability.
  2. The respective individual must not be enrolled in any other government benefit programmes.
  3. The annual income of the family of the respective individual should be less than 1 lakh. They must have lived in Kerala for a minimum of 10 years.

Agriculture Labour Pension

  1. The respective individual must be an agricultural labourer for 10 years.
  2. The respective individual must be a member of Kerala’s Agricultural Worker’s Welfare Fund.
  3. The respective individual must not be enrolled in any other government benefit programmes.
  4. The annual income of the family of the respective individual should be less than 1 lakh. They must have lived in Kerala for a minimum of 10 years.

Features Of Sevana Pension Scheme

Following are the features of the Sevana Pension Scheme -

  1. Financial assistance is offered to many types of impoverished individuals through the Sevana pension scheme.
  2. Sevana Pension Scheme operates six separate social security pension systems through municipal and corporate authorities, as well as Gram Panchayats.
  3. Beneficiaries can lead their lives without relying on others, thanks to this programme.
  4. The Social Welfare Department manages this initiative, which was started by the Kerala government.
  5. The government uses this programme to assist a variety of individuals, including agricultural labourers and handicapped individuals.


The Kerala government has introduced many types of annuity schemes for the more unfortunate individuals of the population. Sevana Pension 2023 is the name of these pension programmes. The needy region of society would become monetarily self-sufficient with the support of these Pension schemes.

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5 Key Facts About Pension Plans in India

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the article's contents as conclusive and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.    

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