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Bandhan Life Insurance Plans

18 reviews Rate This
Claim SettlementQuick and Easy
Claim Settlement Ratio99.37%
Customer Care9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Death Benefit Paid For274 policies
In-House Claim SettlementAvailable
Policies Sold30 lakhs
PresenceAcross India
Total Death Benefit Paid86.14 Crore

Bandhan Life Insurance Company Limited began its presence in India in July 2008 and has since established itself as a major participant in the sector. Bandhan life insurance is one of the world’s largest providers of financial services. Currently, the company has a significant market share and has introduced a variety of life insurance investment plans to satisfy the diverse needs of consumers at competitive premium rates. Here’s a list of some of them:

Investment plan

Entry age

Max. Maturity age

Premium payment mode

Bandhan Life iGuarantee Insurance Plan

12- 50 years

56 years

Yearly or monthly

Bandhan Life Guaranteed Growth Plan

8- 50 years

60 years

Yearly or monthly

Bandhan Life Flexi Money Back Advantage Plan

7- 60 years

75 years

Yearly, half-yearly, monthly

Bandhan Life Jeevan Shanti Insurance Plan

8- 60 years

75 years

Yearly, half-yearly, monthly

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