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Gurugram-Based IFFCO-Tokio Partners with World's Leading NGO Smile Train India to Help Support the Humanitarian Cause to Children in North-East India

The Leading giant in the Insurance sector “IFFCO- Tokio” partners with the world’s leading NGO “SmileTrain India” to help serve a humanitarian cause with the grant of free cleft surgery to 264 underprivileged children in North-East region of India. Few weeks earlier, SmileTrainIndia announced that they had acquired a grant from Iffco-Tokio to support for cleft surgery to underprivileged children of North-East region.

As per the government records, it is estimated that more than 35000 babies take birth with a body defect of cleft lip or palate every year in-country. Thousands of them are left unattended, with untreated clefts to live in isolation, additionally, the worst part is that they face difficulties while eating, breathing, and speaking, but they are left unattended as they can not afford cleft treatment.

Smile Train's model ensures to pave the way for funding and resources to local medical professionals in order for them to offer free cleft surgery and comprehensive cleft care in their own communities. Till now,  Smile Train India in this mission had been successful in providing more than 550,000 free cleft surgeries PAN India, through a network of 160+ active partner hospitals.

While talking with a respondent, Mrs. Anamika Roy Rashtrawar (Whole-Time Director at IFFCO-Tokio) shared her views on this promising initiative, she said: "Our partnership with Smile Train India is in perfect alignment with our slogan and promise to our customers - 'Muskurate Raho'. Through this partnership, we are proud to bring smiles to 264 children. Cleft treatment not only changes the life of the child but also boosts their confidence and self-esteem to lead a more full and productive life."

Whereas, the NGO posted "At Smile Train, we believe that cleft treatment starts with a smile and that cleft surgery is just the beginning of the journey toward a full, healthy life for a baby born with a cleft. With IFFCO-Tokio's support, we will further strengthen our local programs in East and North East India to bring cleft care to many more children," shared Mamta Carroll, Vice President and Regional Director, Asia, Smile Train. It will be very promising to cover the charitable deeds to help support such humanitarian cause.

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