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Disinfecting Toothbrush May Help Prevent Covid-19, Says Study

A recent study carried out by the Brazilian researchers has found that people should make disinfecting toothbrushes a regular habit as it can help in preventing the Covid-19 infection. Researchers emphasised that toothbrushes can act as a hub for microorganisms, which can easily transmit the disease from a sick person to a healthy one. 

It is to be noted that further in their study, published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, researchers found that disinfecting toothbrushes and maintaining oral hygiene can play a significant role in controlling the transmission of the virus. The same applies to especially people who are asymptomatic. Note that it is also the case for individuals who tested for coronavirus and are now waiting for results to arrive.

In the past, studies have found that exchange of saliva can result in the transmission of the infection.

A study published in July 2020 in the Journal of Infectious Diseases found that some mouthwash can lower the viral load of the novel coronavirus strains in the saliva. For the study, an antiseptic solution comprising ethanol and essential oils, such as Listerine Cool Mint was used. It showed how helpful mouthwashes can prove to be in killing the life-threatening viruses.

The correct way to disinfect the toothbrush was also elaborated in the study by Brazilian researchers. At first, they asked people to wash their hands with water and soap or disinfect them using hand sanitizer comprising 70% alcohol. Then, disinfect the toothbrush handle with 70% alcohol for 60 seconds. After brushing the teeth, again wash the brush and disinfect the handle using 70% alcohol again for 60 seconds. Dip the brush head in ethanol and essential oil-based mouthwash solution. Leave the head of the brush for 20 minutes. Let the brush dry. Store it away from others.  

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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