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Build Wealth with SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder Plan


Written by Saad Ahmad

Updated Jul 17, 2024

SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder is a ULIP or Unit Linked Investment Plan that offers both investment and insurance benefits. It allows policyholders to grow their wealth through market-linked returns while providing life coverage. 

There are 11 different investment funds that investors can choose under the Smart Wealth Builder plan and build their wealth over time. 

Eligibility Criteria

The SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder plan comes with the following eligibility conditions: 


Age (In numbers)

Minimum Entry Age 

18 Years

Maximum Entry Age 

55 Years

Minimum Maturity Age 

18 Years

Maximum Maturity Age 

70 Years

Key Features of SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder Plan

sbi life smart wealth builder plan

Smart Wealth Builder plan by SBI Life Insurance offers several key features, as explained below. 

  • Guaranteed Additions: You will get guaranteed additions according to the policy term, up to 125% of one annual regular premium. The higher the term, the higher the guaranteed addition. The commencement of these additions starts after the completion of ten years of the policy.  

Policy Year End (In years)

% of Additions for Regular Premium


% of Additions for LPPT Policy

% of Additions for Single Premium Policy


For 7 years PPT

For 10 years PPT

For 12 years PPT

For 15 years PPT





































  • Life Insurance coverage: Policyholders get life insurance coverage throughout the policy term. 

  • No Policy Administration fees: For Regular and Limited Premium Payment Term (LPPT) plans, customers can enjoy the first 5 years without any policy administration charges. 

  • No Premium Allocation Charge: These charges are deducted every time a premium is paid. But from the 11th policy year until the end of the policy term, there will be no Premium Allocation charges levied. 

  • Free Look Period: If you are satisfied with the plan after buying, the company provides a free-look period of 15 days. This means you can cancel the policy within 15 days of receipt of the policy documents. 

  • Grace Period:  A grace period of 30 days is available for completing the premium payment after the due date. 

  • Investment Flexibility: Get the flexibility of choosing investment opportunities from 11 varied fund options according to your risk appetite. 

  • Partial Withdrawals: Smart Wealth Builder SBI ULIP Plan’s lock-in period is 5 years. After 6th policy year, investors can make partial withdrawals on the Fund Value. Here are some terms! 

    • One partial withdrawal per policy year is free. For any additional withdrawals, a charge of ₹100 per withdrawal will be applied. 

    • Unused free withdrawals cannot be carried forward to future policy years.

    • You can make a maximum of 2 partial withdrawals in a particular policy year and 10 partial withdrawals during the entire policy term.

    • The minimum amount you can withdraw is ₹5,000, and it must be in multiples of ₹1,000. The maximum amount you can withdraw is up to 15% of the fund value on the date you request the withdrawal.

Key Benefits of SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder Plan

Below is the list of investment benefits offered by the SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder Plan. 

If the policyholder survives until the policy's maturity date, the fund value is paid out as a lump sum. This provides investors with a significant financial benefit at the end of the policy term.

In case of the unfortunate death of the investor, the nominee will receive the highest of the following amounts: 

  1. The fund value on the date of death. 

  2. The basic sum assured minus any partial withdrawals in the last 2 years. 

  3. 105% of all premiums paid until the death, less any partial withdrawals in the last 2 years. 

The policyholder can enjoy the following tax benefits with this plan:

  1. Tax Deduction under Section 80C: Premiums paid are eligible for tax rebate under Section 80C of the IT (Income Tax)Act. If the premium paid during the financial year exceeds 10% of the Sum Assured, the deduction will be restricted to 10% of the Sum Assured.

  1. Tax Exemption under Section 10(10D): Upon maturity or surrender of the policy, the proceeds are exempt from tax under Section 10(10D). But the premium must not exceed 10% of the Sum Assured in any year during the policy term.

  1. The death benefit paid to the nominee is fully tax exempted.

Illustration of SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder Plan 

Let’s understand the benefits offered by the SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder plan with an example. 

Mr. Vijay has chosen the SBI Life-Smart Wealth Builder policy. Here are his basic details.  


35 years 

Plan Type

Regular Premium



Policy Term

30 yrs

Premium Payment Term (PPT)

30 yrs

Investment Fund Type

100% Equity Fund

Maturity Benefit (Lumpsum)



Sum Assured


Fund Value at Maturity (@ 4%)


Fund Value at Maturity (@ 8%)


Death Benefit (Lumpsum)

In case of Vijay’s unfortunate death at the end of the 20th policy year, the death benefit, based on the assumed investment returns, will be: 

Annual Premiums Paid


Death Benefit (@ 4%)


Death Benefit (@ 8%)


Disclaimer: The above figures are for illustrative purposes only. The assumed rates of returns @4% and @8% p.a. are also illustrative and are subject to market risks. 

Investment Funds under SBI Wealth Builder Plan

  1. Equity Fund

  2. Top 300 Fund

  3. Equity Optimizer Fund

  4. Growth Fund

  5. Balanced Fund

  6. Bond Fund

  7. Money Market Fund

  8. Bond Optimiser Fund

  9. Pure Fund

  10. Midcap Fund

  11. Corporate Fund

Fund Name

Asset Class

Risk Involved


Equity & Equity Related Instruments

Debt Instruments

Money Market


Fund Composition 


Equity Fund




High Risk

Top 300 Fund




High Risk

Equity Optimizer Fund




High Risk

Growth Fund




Medium to High Risk

Balanced Fund




Medium Risk

Bond Fund




Low to Medium Risk

Money Market Fund




Low Risk

Bond Optimiser Fund




Low to Medium Risk

Pure Fund




High Risk

Midcap Fund




High Risk

Corporate Fund




Low to Medium Risk

Charges for the SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder Plan

Fund Charges


Premium Allocation Charges

Deducted from Premiums as they are paid, starting from 

  • 9% for Regular and Limited Premium Policy

  • 3% for Single Premium Policy

Zero Premium Allocation charges from the 11th year up to the policy ends.

Policy Administration Charge

Deducted for cancelling units at the prevailing unit price.

  • For RegularPremium and LPPT Policy, no policy administration charges are applied for the first 5 years. But 6 onwards, it’ll be 60/- per month.

  • For the Single Premium Policy, policy administration charges are 50/- per month

Fund Management Charges

Deducted for a fixed percentage of the relevant fund before calculating the NAV. 

  • It is generally between 0.25% p.a. – 1.35% p.a., depending on the fund type. 

Discontinuance Charge

These charges are a percentage of a Single Premium / Annualised

Premium or Fund Value.

  • No discontinuation charges from the 5th policy year onwards.

Mortality Charge

Deducted on the first business day of each policy month from Fund Value by cancelling the units.

Calculated according to the investor's age and Sum at risk.

Partial Withdrawal Charge

  • After one free partial withdrawal in a policy year, a charge of ₹100 applies for each additional partial withdrawal. 

  • Unused free partial withdrawals cannot be carried forward to the next policy year.

Fund Switching Charges

  • After two free switches in a policy year, a charge of ₹100 applies for each additional switch during the policy term or settlement period.

  • Unused free switches cannot be carried forward to the next policy year.

  • The minimum switch amount required for fund switching is ₹5,000. 

Premium Chart

Premium Payment

Term (PPT) and

Corresponding Policy

Term (PT)

Plan Type

Premium Payment Terms

Regular Premium- 12-30 years

Same as the policy term

Single Premium- 5-30 years

One-time payment at policy inception

Limited Premium- 12-30 years

For policy term of 12-14 years: 7 years


For policy term of 15-19 years: 7/10/12 years

For policy term of 20-30 years- 7/10/12/15 years

Premium Amount

Premium Payment Terms

Minimum Premium Amount

Regular Premium- ₹30,000


Single Premium-  ₹65,000

Limited Premium- ₹40,000

Maximum Premium Amount

₹3 Lakh, subject to underwriting


Basic Sum Assured

Plan Type

Premium Payment Terms

Regular Premium & Limited

Premium Payment Term

10 x Annualised Premium

Single Premium

1.25 x Annualised Premium

Suicide Exclusion

If the policyholder dies by suicide within 12 months from the policy commencement date or the date of policy revival, the nominee or beneficiary will be entitled to the fund value available on the date the death is reported. Additionally, any charges deducted after the date of death, except for Fund Management Charges (FMC), will be refunded and added back to the fund value.

How to Buy SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder plan From InsuranceDekho

Follow the step-by-step procedure to buy the Smart Wealth Builder plan by SBI Life Investment plan from InsuranceDekho and secure your life. 

  1. Visit the InsuranceDekho Website: Visit the official InsuranceDekho website and start the life insurance purchase process by clicking on "Insurance" > "Life Insurance."

  1.  Fill in Your Details: Enter all the required details, including

    • Name, 

    • Date of birth, 

    • Gender, and 

    • Mobile number.

 Once completed, click on the “View Plans for Free” button. 

  1. Choose the SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder Plan: Then, choose the SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder Plan among the list of plans available. You can also customise the coverage by adding riders to the base policy. 

  1. Provide Specific Information: Enter additional specific details like income, education, etc., and proceed by clicking the "Next Step" button.

  1. Pay Premium: Review the premium amount for your chosen SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder plan. Then, click on the "Accept and Pay" button to complete the premium payment securely.

  1. Submit Proposal Form & Documents: After making the payment, provide the necessary documents, such as KYC and income proof, along with the Proposal Form. 

Note: The insurer may request additional documents! However, Investment Plans may require fewer documents compared to other plans. 

  1. Medical Evaluation & Underwriting: You have to undergo a medical evaluation if required. The underwriting team will evaluate your proposal and medical results. Finally, the policy will be approved based on this assessment.

  1. Policy Issuance: Once approved, you will receive confirmation of your SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder policy on your registered mobile number or via email.

If you have any queries regarding the policy, you can reach out to our relationship manager at +91-7551196989. From policy approval to claim settlements, we are here to assist you every step of the way. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Ques 1. Is there a lock-in period for the SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder plan? 

Ans. Yes! SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder plan has a lock-in period of 5 years starting from the commencement of the policy.

Ques 2. What is the grace period under the plan? 

Ans. A grace period of 30 days is allowed under the life insurance plan. This means investors have 30 days after the due date to pay the premium before the policy becomes inactive. 

Ques 3. What are the types of plans available under the SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder policy? 

Ans. Three types of plans are available under the SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder policy

  • Regular Premium: Requires you to pay the premium throughout the policy term

  • Limited Premium Payment Term (LPPT): Pay the premium only for a few years.

  • Single Premium: Requires only one single payment at the time of purchasing the policy.

Ques 4. What is the Free Look Period under the SBI Life Smart Wealth Builder policy? 

Ans. If you are not satisfied with the coverage or any other terms of the policy after purchase, SBI Life Insurance offers you the option to cancel the policy within 15 days of receiving the policy documents.


Written by Saad Ahmad

Saad is a marketing guru and has some exciting knowledge to share about the motor and related industry. Read More


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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