Bolpur Regional Transport Office (Bolpur RTO)
When you see a vehicle on roads in Bolpur, you would often notice the number plate too which consists of the RTO code of the area followed by the registration number in numerical format. The code is nothing but the code of the Regional Transport Authority at which the vehicle is registered. Every city including Bolpur has a RTO which functions as per the guidelines of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. Apart from issuing driving licenses and offering vehicle registration services, the Bolpur RTO is also responsible for collection of taxes, issuing permits, road safety measures, undertaking measures to control pollution, etc.
In every city of India there are many RTO offices which maintain a database of drivers and vehicles in the city. You can easily find a RTO office in your nearby location.
List of RTO Office in Bolpur
City | RTO Code |
Bolpur | WB48 |
Bolpur | WB47 |